
the only putter adjustable to the players vision

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The only putter on the market that corrects your vision and lowers your scores.


How it works
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Getting started
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Kevin Harrington

Celebrity Endorsement
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Why Use CSTR8

No other putter shows how it is lined up and without having to change the golfer's stroke.

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Round grip

Our unique round grip keeps the pressure of your hands totally balanced. It lets the player hold the putter just like any other club in their bag.

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fully adjustable

Your putter is adjustable to customize your game and improve the accuracy of your putts.

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laser technology

The only putter that leverages state-of-the-art laser technology to immediately improve your alignment and lower your score.

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color tuned

Color tuned technology provides a 3-D view aligning your focus with your target, giving you added confidence over your putt.

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average strokes saved

The numbers don't lie. Lower your score with a system designed to help you perform at the highest level.

Optimized roll

Fine tune your roll to narrow the margin of error on every putt.

Our Putters


Improve your aim and steady your stroke with the redistributed mass of the Mallet. A sleek, rounded “cavity back” stabilizes your putt for improved alignment and ultimate confidence.


Revolutionary technology in a classic design. While this putter may boast a traditional look, it possesses the modern C-STR8 technology allowing you to focus in on your target line and more accurately line up the face behind the ball.

What They're Saying

No other putter shows how it is lined up and without having to change the golfer's stroke.

"I recommend CSTR8 to all my friends"

Ryan Bower
Philadelphia, PA

"My putt game never would have improved this fast without CSTR8!"

Mark Goho
Charlotte, SC

"The CSTR8 system is a gamechanger that has completely transformed the way I play golf."

Dave Franklin
Rochester, NY

The CSTR8 Putter is a beautiful solution to the parallax problem because it shows me how my putter is lined up and without having to change my stroke. Practicing with it showed me how to adjust my putter for my own particular “parallax.” It was like getting my eye behind the ball. In their study of 1000 golfers who practiced with it, The See CSTR8 shaved almost 4 strokes off their game. I’ll take that any day!

"Becker putted out of his mind today with the CSTR8 at BT. Truly amazing results!

"I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to meet Tom and get a lesson. It has changed my game! Thank you Tom"

C-STR8 Putter
other putters

Optimized Roll

adjustable head

raised optic line

laser technology setup

Interchangeable head style

round putter grip

Our goal is to revolutionize the traditional putting experience to help you see what you’ve been missing.

With CSTR8, players are able to adjust the putter to match their vision allowing them to set the putter square to their intended target every time. Let the CSTR8 system help you see what you’ve been missing so you can reach the highest level of performance.

TOM Laszewski
get started

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